Make a donation

Want to help us continue to make a difference to the lives of Canberrans?

YWCA Canberra values the financial support we receive through donations. As a not-for-profit organisation, we use our funding carefully to meet the needs of those we support. Your donation will help us provide important programs and services to the Canberra region community.

Our donors gain immense satisfaction knowing their gifts help shape future programs and opportunities YWCA Canberra offers in our community.

You can help make a big difference, enabling us to:

  • help young people at risk of disengaging from school to connect with employment and training opportunities
  • provide housing for women and their families facing homelessness
  • build social inclusion by connecting communities
  • provide training and leadership opportunities for young women.

There are three great ways you can donate to YWCA Canberra:

1 Where would you like your donation to go?